Free Plugin - Using a CSS3 animation to fix 'font flicker'

If you use custom fonts on your Squarespace website you might have noticed 'font flicker' - also know as  FOUT (flash of unstyled text) - the page initially displays in the default font and then swaps to the custom font, causing a distracting flicker. 

Here's a free plugin fix that uses CSS3 animations to hide the flicker. 

Watch the video then come back for the plugin code

The CSS plugin code

The css plugin should be inserted into the custom css area in your site's Squarespace admin area.  

#desktopNav, .title-desc-inner {
  animation: fade-me-in 1.5s;

@keyframes fade-me-in {
  0% {opacity:0;}
  80% {opacity:0;}
  100% {opacity:1;}

The plugin code above will work on the Alex template but you may need to adjust the selectors for it to work with other templates. 

Colin Irwin

I’m Colin Irwin, a freelance Squarespace Designer & Developer based in London, UK, with clients in the USA and around the world.

I’m a recognised Squarespace expert. I design and build Squarespace sites for everyone from charities and start ups to major established brands.

The Squarespace Code Connector - An essential addition to my workflow


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